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DIG Greystoke BMX 1 Book / Magazine

Artikelnummer: 2023-60174

We proudly introduce DIG's all new sister publication - GREYSTOKE: An aptly-named new twice yearly BMX magazine, edited by the legendary Scott Towne, that focuses on BMX lifers and everything that keeps us stoked on BMX for the long run. With old-school, mid-school and current day content focusing on those older riders who just can't shake this obsession, Get stoked - Stay stoked.

Kategorie: Medien

22,95 €

inkl. 7% USt., zzgl. Versand (Standard)


Lieferzeit: 1 - 5 Werktage


Greystoke BMX Issue 1 Book / Magazine

Greystoke BMX Issue 1
• 132 Seiten
- Dennis McCoy - Life and times of the KC Rogue.
- Mel Stoutsenberger--photographs of the future, from the past
- Survivors - Never give up, never give in
- Save your Generation - Evolution of the BMX bike
- Dog Bites - The Mad Dog rides again
- Holy Grail - Origins of the most infamous bike in freestyle
- POW House - When a house is less than a home
- James Hudson Archives - The rise of the UK BMX mid-school
- Dave Osato's Schwinn - Channeling the beast within
- Still Freestylin' - Under the influence of Wizard Publications
- Bikes, riders and riding - by riders, for riders

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